Formtek Auditing for Alfresco
The Formtek Auditing Extension product is integrated with the Alfresco Share application to provide a complete audit log of actions performed on documents, folders, and other types of content stored in Alfresco. The Auditing Extension records the action performed, the date and time the action occurred, the user who performed the action, and optional details on the action.
Administrators can use the Audit History Tool and Workflow History Tool to search the repository for audit records or workflow records based on a variety of search criteria. In addition to document and folder audit information, the Audit History tool provides audit information on other repository content such as sites and different types of data lists.
The Audit History Tool allows administrators to search for audit records for different types of content stored in the repository. Administrators can search for all available or the most recent number of audit records, or they can tailor their search criteria to return specific audit records. Clicking the icon will display more detailed information:
The Workflow History Tool can be used to search for active and/or completed workflow records, and tailored to return all available records or specific records. Clicking the details link will display the details of the workflow in a new window.
Clicking the icon will display more detailed information:
The Audit Log can be viewed by any user who has access to the document or folder. Each document and folder maintains its own audit log information.